Thursday, June 23, 2016

Today was a Fairy Tale.

Most girls grow up dreaming of the day they get married. They have everything planned out before they even get engaged. 


I'm not one of those girls. 

We had about six months to plan our wedding, and I didn't even have a Pinterest board for my wedding until after we got engaged. I'm pretty sure that's unheard of these days. I wanted to keep my wedding as small as possible. I'm not a "center of attention" type of girl. 

We had a very laid back and relaxing type of dry wedding during the afternoon. We had our ceremony, which our officiant cut down to 8 minutes (we didn't want to be up there longer than we had to be). After the ceremony, we did our pictures and right into the reception. After everyone got served and ate, we did a quick toast from my sister and cut the cake. We didn't want to do any of the dancing or bouquet tossing, it's just not us. We started at 1 and we were done by 4, perfection if you ask me! haha

The fun part was getting to the altar. All morning I was a complete nervous wreck! I couldn't eat because I felt like I was going to beef at any moment. I even tried downing some Champagne to combat the nerves, but that didn't help either. After dry heaving, crying, and panicking all morning, it was time to put the dress on and get the show on the road. 

After I was up at the altar with Sam, I was completely fine and the rest of the afternoon was a cake walk. It turned out to be the most perfect day I could have imagined and I think it reflected our relationship very well. We aren't over the top and showy, we are just relaxed and laid back. 

Here are a few pictures from my wedding. <3 

Be sure to check back for my post on our honeymoon! <3 

Friday, April 15, 2016

She Designed A Life She Loved

Well hello there my lovely bloggers.  I haven't posted since last September, so I thought it was about time to update this thing! I hope you all have been doing exceptionally wonderful! I know the last post I talked about how life had been a whirlwind and we were trying to buy a house. Let me tell you, the whirlwind has not stopped yet. 

We did get the house! We've been there 6 months, as of tomorrow. I absolutely love our new home, even though I'm still trying to get it decorated and set perfectly. I don't think Sam understood how home ownership really was until he was having to cut grass every week. 

The most awesome thing that has happened since my hiatus doesn't really have to do with the house. On November 23rd, Sam asked me to marry him. Well, it didn't quite go down just like that. We were getting the house set up to host Thanksgiving with the whole family in a couple days (Sam's brilliant idea). I needed to go out and get curtain rods for the guest bedroom so it would look half way decent. I asked Sam to go to the store with me and he complained that his back hurt and he didn't feel good. I went to the store, while pouting, and got what I needed. When I returned home I noticed that he parked his truck on the street so I could park in the driveway. (This never happens.) When I got in the door, I stopped in my tracks because I noticed that there were roses on the coffee table. (He rarely buys flowers) I immediately asked him what was going on and why he parked on the street and why there were roses. He told me to look at Milo (his/our dog). I looked at Milo and noticed that he had a card around his neck. I read the card and it said, " Will you be my Momma fur-ever?" When I looked up, Sam got down on one knee and popped the question. I don't think the proposal could have been any more perfect. I'm definitely proud of him for the awesome ring he picked out! 

We got through hosting Thanksgiving and then it was time to start planning the wedding. We picked a date that was only 6  months away. Everything with the wedding planning started happening so fast. Cake tasting, dress shopping, engagement pictures, finding a venue, etc.

Now I'm only a month and a half away from our wedding. I can't believe that next month I get to marry the man of my dreams. 

To be honest, I'm just ready for the honeymoon. I'm ready for all this planning to be over with and to just be able relax and enjoy our time together. I'm excited to start this next chapter in our lives together. Navy wife in the making!!! <3 

Boss is gone at work today, so I have to get going and run things! I'll be back soon to update this thing again! Here's a few pictures from the last few months!

Engagement Photos done by our friend Connie @ Connie Shearer Photography

Tuesday, September 22, 2015


Well, life has been quite the whirlwind lately. My boyfriend and I had been talking about buying a house, but were never actually super serious about...

...that is until we thought we had found the absolute perfect house for us. 

We got super excited and started going through the pre-approval process and set up a showing with our realtor. Unfortunately, when my realtor went to set up the showing... we found out it had sold.

What a bummer!!! Not going to lie, I was quite sad. The pantry off of the kitchen was huge!!! We aren't even going to talk about the size of the walk in closets in the master bedroom... 
F R E A K I N G   A M A Z I N G!!!

However, we regrouped and my realtor sent over a list of a few homes to tour. In our minds we were dead set on the new build that we were going to look at. We already know we could get approved for the house, so why not go with the new build. After seeing the house, we were completely in "awe". We were both sure that nothing would top it....

...until we saw the second house. 

It was about 500 sq feet smaller and one less bathroom than the new build, but it just felt like home when you walked in. My boyfriend fell in love right away, but it took me a minute to get there. After comparing the pros and cons to both, I realized that it was the perfect house for us as well.  

That's when things started going like a whirlwind. Making offers, signing contracts, home inspections, appraisals. We are getting the fast track to home buying right now. My favorite part about moving is getting to get a new living room set and bedroom set. I've pretty much got free reign on the living room and bedroom. I can't wait to show you all our new house. 

...until then he's a sneak peek at our living room decor!! :) 

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Back to my regularly scheduled life

First of all, I hope everyone had a fantastic Labor Day yesterday! && Second of all, good luck to all the kiddos starting school today! 
(Around here, it's the first day of school. I know some started a couple weeks ago though.)

One of these days it will be me posting pictures of my children going off to school and crying my eyes out, but until that day, I'll just keep posting pictures of my dogs. I'm definitely not rushing on the kids thing.

Well, today marks the first day back to work with no countdowns to the next vacation. The past few weeks have been a little crazy for me. My boyfriend and I took a vacation to see his parents and then we headed off for the mountains for a little getaway, just the two of us. I'll have to make a whole separate post for that vacation though, so be sure to check back this week. 

This past weekend was spent at the beach house with my family. Our beach house pretty much stays rented out, so it's only a couple times a year that we all get to go down there together to spend some time together. Unfortunately it wasn't much of a beach weekend due to it being super windy, but we still had a lot of fun and got a lot of relaxing in! 

Although I'm sad that I don't have any other vacations to start counting down to, I do have lots of other countdowns now... Here's a few I have going at this time:

Eagles Regular Season Football Starts- 6 Days
Flyers Regular Season Hockey Starts- 30 Days
Admirals Regular Season Hockey Starts - 38 Days
My Birthday- 49 Days
Halloween - 53 Days
Thanksgiving - 79 Days
Black Friday - 80 Days
MY GRADUATION!!!! - 102 Days
Christmas - 108 Days
New Years - 115 Days

I have a lot to look forward to, especially my long awaited graduation! Another thing I'm looking forward to is fall and colder weather! I can't wait for jeans and hoodie weather, crock pot meals, and pumpkin patches. 

By the way, when is it too early to decorate for Halloween???

Time to get some homework done and get through this work day. Check back for my post on my mountain adventure!!! :) 

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

It's been a while...

Well hello there!

It's been quite a while since I've written in this thing! I hope everyone is doing well. 

It's a lot of people's favorite time of the year, time for school to go back. I know a lot of parents are ready for summer break to be over. For once in my life I am so ready for school to start. Next Monday will be the start of my last semester at Tidewater Community College. I've got my eyes on the prize and that's to walk across that stage in December and finally be handed my Associate's Degree. I mean, I know it's not my actual degree in the folder, but it's the symbolism that I finally made it. 

If you read my blog before you know that I've been in school off and on. I could never really decide on what I wanted to do with my life. After many semesters spent testing the waters in different fields, I finally decided to finish my Business Management degree. I'm finally down to the last semester and I can't wait to get it over with. Even though it's just an Associate's, I can't even describe how proud of myself I was when I was filling out my graduation request. I finally stuck with something and have done really well in my classes. I've thought about transferring to ODU and continuing on to get my Bachelor's, but in all honesty... I'm drained with school. 

Hopefully I can keep up with this thing a little better and start making regular posts again. Check back soon and see whats going on in the life of Miss Holly Hockey Sticks!

You're more than welcome to check me out on Twitter (@misshollybolly), Instagram (@misshollybolly), and Facebook (HollyHockeySticks).

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Spring Cleaning

These past six years I have lived on my own with no roommates (aside from the first three months), and I've loved it. However, in a month and a half I'm moving and getting a place with one of my friends. This is going to be a big adjustment for me. I decided I would start packing two months out so I'm not in a big hurry right before it's time to actually move. One thing I've learned through this whole process, you accumulate a pile of stuff in just six years. 

In my case... mainly clothes. I haven't had a washer or dryer in my house since I moved out. When it's time to do laundry I have to pack up all my dirty clothes and take them to my parents house and do them. (Most of the time my Mom does them... Thanks Mom.)  After they are all washed and dried.. I have to pack them back up to lug them back home and up the stairs to fold and put them away. Laundry has always been a hatred of mine. I found that just going and buying new stuff, when I didn't feel like taking laundry, became less of a hassle. Downside: I have accumulated a lot of clothes.

The first load of clothes to be donated.

I decided that I really do not want to pack up and move all these clothes when I don't even wear most of them. Last night I decided to begin the process of going through and donating what I don't like or don't wear... I ended up with six bags of clothes... and that's just the beginning. On the agenda tonight is to go through my shoes and get rid of a bunch.

Sidenote: I discovered the joys of using the vacuum seal space saver bags. OH MY GOSH! Where have these been all my life and why haven't I been using them? Since Mother Nature decided to skip Spring and go straight to Summer without any signs of 30 degree weather, I decided to vacuum seal all my winter coats...holy amazeballs... I'm in love. Don't think you have to get the super expensive Ziploc ones.. I bought some really cheap ones and they work wonderfully too! After seeing the amazingness, I decided to pack up most of my hockey jerseys and vacuum seal them. Screw moving boxes, I'm about to go buy a bunch of these bags and move stuff that way...definitely won't be as bulky as boxes will be.

I got these at Deals! 6 bags for $5! What a deal.
Got these at Dollar General

Although I still have a lot to do before I move, I'm really excited to be getting the house decluttered and dejunked. (Like my made up words?!) I have a bad habit of keeping things that I'll "maybe use one day". Luckily I've been doing really well and just throwing everything out. Yay for Spring Cleaning!

Do you guys have any helpful hints for cleaning, decluttering, or moving?!?!? Or maybe some tips and pointers for living with a roommate!? I know it sounds crazy.. but it's the little things I'm going to miss about living alone.  

I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend and enjoys the wonderful weather. I know I will be outside all weekend soaking up as much Vitamin D as I can! 

Monday, May 12, 2014

No More Pencils, No More Books

No More Teacher's Dirty Looks
School's Out For The Summer

I've had that song ringing in my head all weekend. I'm so excited to have a 3 month break from school before hitting the books again. It's funny how stressed out I get myself over school, when I could have cared less in high school. Everything dealing with school came easy to me when I was younger. I never had to study and always did really well. Now-a-days if I don't study.. you might as well forget it. One thing I want to work on for next semester is to not be a cram studier.. it's such a bad habit. Evidently it's been working for me though. I checked all of my grades and I got an A in all of my classes this semester! Yay meeee!!! I'm so proud of myself! 

As we all know, yesterday was Mother's Day. I hope everyone had a fantastic day! Yesterday I spent the day with my family. My Mom, Dad, Grandmother, Sister, Brother-in-law, and I all went out to lunch to celebrate the day. After much deliberation, we decided to go to Pirate's Cove. (Delicious) It was quite the perfect afternoon for having lunch on the patio! After many laughs and great food we headed back home to figure out what the rest of the day would consist of.  We went through many ideas of what we could do, and Mom decides she wants to head to the zoo. So the 5 of us (Grandma went home) packed in the car and headed to the zoo. Beware of going to the zoo in the spring.. it's evidently mating season for many animals.. I'd check out the animals first before letting my kid see. Someone didn't take that advice yesterday and started yelling, "Maya go, get away" after realizing the animals were doing it. I couldn't tell you what kind of animals they were.. but man were they putting on a show for everyone... AWKWARD.

All in all yesterday was a great day.. now I will leave you with a picture from the zoo.. :)

We were letting out our inner wild sides.